Friday 21 May 2010

Sicky! Eugh!

Had to come home sick today. Feeling yuck. On the plus side I'm feeling a bit better now which means I can review something. Yay! My first internet review. Well I haven't seen to much recently so I'll do something I did see as boring as it may be:

Title: An Inspector Calls (1954)

Review: Well for starters before the film I wasn't expecting too much thrilling having finished the timid script the day before in English, but as I sat in that dimly lit classroom I did find myself becoming vaguely interested. Granted the film did not exactly take me by the nether regions but it hold some sort of interesting quality that made it watchable.

As a spectacle it wasn't brilliant, made in Shepperton Studios just outside London, yet the storyline did not allow for this. The sepia colouring was certainly justified for genre and colour would certainly spoiled it; but this begs the question what is its genre? Is it a crime fiction? No. Is it a mystery? Well not exactly considering we learn pretty quickly of a girl's death and that the main focuses of the film the Birlings are somehow involved. That, I would have said, rather cuts out the mystery.

The truth is Rick Priestly was trying to make a political point with his original play. I think this is why the film has no particular genre or in fact no real plot. The reason I think you get dragged into it is because after a while it just keeps feeding you small bits of information about this girl's death to invite you to keep watching. A simple but effective trick.

I guess what I'm saying is this film is not entertaining. What it is, is a historical reference of the political views of an opposer to class system. Certainly interesting and good for setting as a homework (yawn) but not a night in with popcorn.

Rating: 2/10

Should you watch it? I wouldn't bother.

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