Monday 7 June 2010

New-old film ideas III

This one is one of my favorites but a little hard to explain....

The Last Green Place

The earth in the future (however this is not revealed till the very end of the film). It is desolate and the only life (or at least the government says) is humanity kept alive by huge nutrient enriched air plants. The majority of the human race is working in huge factories producing little black boxes for 12 hours a day. However there is a rumor of a place. A green place. The last green place. The last tree on earth. The government tries to dispel the rumor and stop its ringleaders before there is a rebellion but in the words of those have faith: soon all will be revealed...

New-old film ideas II


This is not actually told from the point of view of Boadicea but instead from the point of view of one of her two daughters. It charts the warrior queen's rise to power and the brutal treatment of her people to her death in an epic battle but there's a twist. Despite the joyful persecution of the Britons one Roman believes that what they are doing is wrong and falls in love with our storyteller. A forbidden affair that will put both in grave danger as they decide where their loyalties lie.

New-old film ideas (or is that Old-new?)

These are some ideas I had on my original page on facebook. I'm now adding them to the Film ideas page.

The Lost Script (admittedly needs a better name)

As young child Elizabeth was never allowed in her grandfather's attic. Why? What was he hiding? Skip ahead 12 years and as she helps her Grandfather pack to move she cant resist the opportunity to take a peek into this forbidden crevice of the old house. She is amazed when she opens the hatch to discover piles of papers and boxes with photos all over the walls. Picking the top sheet of one pile of paper she begins to read. It's a film script. Transfixed she sits there leafing through it until her grandfather calls her to go. Quickly she puts it back and rushes down the stairs but now she's hooked. Why did her grandfather never make the film? Why wont he speak about his past life? Can she produce the film from the lost script?

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Film ideas

Has updated film ideas.

Sunday 30 May 2010


At last a bit of time to myself! Right how's this for an idea? A film set in the 1950s or late 40s where the Germans won the battle of Britain and have invaded. The country is in occupation and dark times reign. However in rural Wiltshire a crescendo of resistance is building as rumor of a secret resistance force being trained in the grounds of Coleshill spreads hope in surrounding area. Germany's forces are gathering for a pincer attack on america by the Nazis and Japan and the Fuhrer himself is coming to inspect the troops. Can the Coleshill team succeed in the near impossible mission of bringing down Hitler or will the world fall to a fascist rule?

Friday 21 May 2010

Sicky! Eugh!

Had to come home sick today. Feeling yuck. On the plus side I'm feeling a bit better now which means I can review something. Yay! My first internet review. Well I haven't seen to much recently so I'll do something I did see as boring as it may be:

Title: An Inspector Calls (1954)

Review: Well for starters before the film I wasn't expecting too much thrilling having finished the timid script the day before in English, but as I sat in that dimly lit classroom I did find myself becoming vaguely interested. Granted the film did not exactly take me by the nether regions but it hold some sort of interesting quality that made it watchable.

As a spectacle it wasn't brilliant, made in Shepperton Studios just outside London, yet the storyline did not allow for this. The sepia colouring was certainly justified for genre and colour would certainly spoiled it; but this begs the question what is its genre? Is it a crime fiction? No. Is it a mystery? Well not exactly considering we learn pretty quickly of a girl's death and that the main focuses of the film the Birlings are somehow involved. That, I would have said, rather cuts out the mystery.

The truth is Rick Priestly was trying to make a political point with his original play. I think this is why the film has no particular genre or in fact no real plot. The reason I think you get dragged into it is because after a while it just keeps feeding you small bits of information about this girl's death to invite you to keep watching. A simple but effective trick.

I guess what I'm saying is this film is not entertaining. What it is, is a historical reference of the political views of an opposer to class system. Certainly interesting and good for setting as a homework (yawn) but not a night in with popcorn.

Rating: 2/10

Should you watch it? I wouldn't bother.

Thursday 20 May 2010

First post!

Well the first post on my brand spanking shiny wonderful spectacular- okay maybe I was pushing it a bit there but in any case I have a new blog. Woopee! Excellent. To outline the purpose of this blog to anyone reading it I will be posting film ideas much like I used to on my facebook page but was advised to stop for security issues. These will be more basic but I will most likely have personal file where I am writing the full story. I will also outline my favourite films, why I like and why you should see them whilst critiquing any new releases/dvds I see. I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it!

Oh and thank you again to Josh's cousin who suggested I start this.